Ms word footnote numbering word 2016 windows
Ms word footnote numbering word 2016 windows

ms word footnote numbering word 2016 windows

This works because you are using the ^2 wildcard in the search, which searches for footnote or endnote reference marks. When done, all of the footnotes will have the requisite tab between the footnote reference number and the beginning of the footnote text.

ms word footnote numbering word 2016 windows

Press Replace All, then close the Find and Replace dialog box.In the Replace With box, type " \1^t" without the quotes.In the list of styles presented, choose the Footnote Text style and click on OK.With the cursor still in the Find box, click on the Format button, then choose Style.Note there's a space after the last parenthesis. In the Find What box, type " (^2) " without the quotes.Make sure that the Use Wildcards check box is selected.The Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. If available, click on the More button.Word displays the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. You can make sure that all footnotes have the requisite tab character by following these steps: The first potential solution to adding the tabs is to use Word's Find and Replace feature. Exactly how you modify styles has been covered in other issues of WordTips. For instance, if you want a tab character between the footnote reference number and the beginning of the footnote text, then you should set a tab stop in the Footnote Text style so that Word knows what to do with the tab character once you get it in the footnote.

ms word footnote numbering word 2016 windows

You can control how the footnote appears by simply making changes to this built-in style. Whenever you insert a footnote, Word formats the footnote itself so that it uses the built-in Footnote Text style. All of the methods assume, however, that you have the Footnote Text style set up to handle the tab properly. There are several ways you can go about making sure that the footnote includes a tab separator, and the various methods will be described shortly. Instead, Word places a space between these two elements. In fact, Word doesn't allow you to specify what character should appear between the footnote reference number and footnote text, as you can with numbered lists. Word does not allow you to do this automatically, however. For some formatting purposes, you may have a need for Word to place a tab character in your footnotes, between the actual footnote reference number and the text of the footnote.

Ms word footnote numbering word 2016 windows